Have a look to the following video to see it in action. How did we do it: by making use of Azure DevOps pipeline and installing the latest release on Azure AKS clusters. For more information about scaled scores see our FAQ. Passing score is 725 uses a score range from 200 to 1,000 points. That's exactly what we developed here, and since we created this it already saved us a lot of time for use cases as described here above. Candidates who earn this credential will have earned a passing score on the Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving exam.

Without human errors or mistakes that typically happen during a manual deployment. The environment needs to be up and running quickly and consistent with the previous time you used it. In that case it would be very good to have something ready that automatically installs and configures such a SAS Viya deployment. And yes I'm thinking about running an Analytics Sprint, or discussing a potential proof of concept in the meeting and starting with it the day after, or you want to test a brand new feature that has just been released with the latest SAS Viya cadence, or simple testing the connection of your environment to an IoT device. So before you know the momentum to execute your idea is over. But then there's no server or nobody has the knowledge to install the software. So you need a deployment up and running in the next hour. By completing this course, students will understand the importance of statistical thinking, and will be able to use data and basic statistical methods to solve many real-world problems. To get more information about JMP, go to JMP.I think a lot of us know the feeling: you have a great idea and want to try it immediately on a SAS Viya environment. Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving is an applied statistics course for scientists and engineers offered by JMP, a division of SAS.Installation for Windows & Mac users Please be patient the download process may take several minutes to finish. Instructions for Windows Links to the installers : JMP Pro 16 for Windows Updating your JMP license: Instructions for Windows Installation Videos: If you do not see JMP on either Software Center or Self Service, please contact your local IT support to assistance. JMP now can be installed from Software Center (Windows) and Self Service (Mac) for computers owned by Iowa State University. Installation, license and updater files can be found here: JMP Software.Go to the following Links to the installers to download. Students taking classes in the Statistics Department should use JMP 16.1 Pro.The current license runs from July 1 through June 30, you’ll need to update the license file annually unless you do a complete reinstall.