Practical Exercises 2 : How reversal of rotation of squirrel cage induction motors?.Practical Exercises 1 : How does a 3 phase squirrel cage motor work?.

You can download the software here : Download CX-Programer In this series of articles, I use OMRON’s CX-Programmer to guide you

PLC is a programmable device, so there are many programming options, in this article is the simplest programming method for you to easily understand PLC programming, this is my own method. In larger articles, we can also divide the program into different subroutines for ease of programming and error correction. The PLC will work from first network to last network, respectively. We divide each small work piece into a Networks, when working PLC will automatically link these Networks together. To facilitate programming as well as test results and solve programming problems, we program PLC into Networks. PLC has 2 programming methods: linear programming for simple problems and structured programming for complex problems. Hello, today I am going to teach people to program PLC in LADDER language with the simplest practical problems so that new PLC students can easily learn