Mac users make up a substantial market as well, and should not be ignored just because game developers neglect to realize that there is more than one computer operating system. But what many of these developers don't realize is that the number of people using Macs instead is steadily increasing, not every computer owner uses a Windows based operating system. The majority of computer users own a Windows based OS, unfortunately. I think that when these games are developed, they create them to reach the widest possible target audience. Despite this lack of Mac support, I don't believe that the creators of these MMOs are trying to exclude Mac users on purpose. It is a huge disappointment that out of the 25 total MMO-RPGs listed here, not one of them is available for a Mac user to install and play. There are also numerous others that I cannot play, to see the FULL LIST of MMO's visit this website: Mabinogi: Fantasy Life (From Nexon, creators of Maplestory) Here is the list of MMO-RPGs that Mac users are barred from playing: I have tried to open numerous free MMOs but they always disappoint me. Clicking the download link always displays a. The system requirements always state that Microsoft Windows Xp is needed to play. It seems that every single free MMO-RPG released is designed only to be played by the PC user. The Mac user is left out.but this is nothing new. Numerous people download and play these games everyday, but sadly not everyone can enjoy the diverse amount of these game available for free for people to play. You can search the internet and find the exact game play style (ex, mouse movement or keyboard) and graphics (3D, 2D, Anime, Realistic) that you desire. The sheer number of these free to play MMO-RPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) is astounding.

The concept of the free MMORPG has been around a long time, and there are hundreds of various titles that the average computer user can instal and play on his or her computer.